[기타묻고답하기 이용안내]

Unfortunately I just got a call from our Thorogood sales representative regarding your order. The boots were unexpectedly sold out and back ordered until January, 10th. I konw that this is a very unfortunate situation and certainly it is never our intention to disappoint anyone who chooses to shop with us online. To our regret, a technical problem with our online order m.a.n.a.gement(m.a.n.a.g.e가 금지어라네요..) system caused a number of issues in terms of processing listings. It is with sincere apologies that I must inform you that your order was affected by this problem.


Rest assured we are working around the clock to repair these errors and ensure that they do not occur again, but nonetheless your order is back ordered as we no longer have the inventory to fulfill it.


We apologize for any inconvenience this situation may have caused you, it is never our intention to upset our customers. We can put you on the waiting list, or just issue a full refund. We also would like to offer you $20 reimbursement, if we put the order on the waiting list as a compensation for late shipping. Please let us know about your decision.


아마존에서 개인셀러에게 물건을 주문했는데 shipped 상태임에도 불구하고 트래킹 번호가 안떠서 발영어로 문의했더니 저런 메일이 왔어요...대충 재고가 없다 대기하거나 취소하라 대기하면 20달러 보상해주겠다 이런뜻인가요??? ㅠㅠ

엮인글 :

반가워 겨울~!

2012.12.21 10:52:53

품절은 품절인데 그게 자기네 온라인 시스템에 문제가 있어서 주문하신게 반영이 안됐다가 품절 된거래요.

머 중간 내용은 별거 아니고요..그냥 앞으로 이런일이 다시는 발생하지 않게 하겠다 고객을 화나게 하지 않겠다..이런 내용이고요.


지금 품절이라 웨이팅 리스트에 올려 놓거나 환불해주겠다고 하네요.

웨이팅 리스트에 올려놨다가 재고가 풀려서 오더 진행이 되면 20불 깎아 준데요..늦은거에 대한 보답이라며...


환불받을지, 기다렸다 받으실지 결정하라 그러는데욤~~



2012.12.24 17:01:47

갑자기 품절


1월 10일 이후 될것같은데?


전액 환불 ?  or $20 reimbursement( if we put the order on the waiting list)


choice is yours

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