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데크의 산소 접촉을 방지하기 위한거라고 들었는데요.

그러면 진공포장을 하는건 어떤가요?

데크에 안좋을지 상관없을지 궁금합니다.
엮인글 :


2022.06.29 22:19:15

진공포장 해놓으면 좋아요


2022.06.29 22:49:02

정확히 말하자면 베이스 보호와 개장날 편의성? 때문이죠


2022.06.30 08:37:39

데크쉐이프에 변형만 안될정도의 강도면 좋죠


저는 위생랩으로 돌돌말아놓는데, 이렇게하면 엣지녹 전혀 안쓸더라구요


2022.06.30 09:06:21

1안) 보관왁싱 ---> 개장날 왁스 벋기고 타기

2안) 진공포장 ---> 개장직전 왁싱하기 ---> 개장날 왁스 벋기고 타기

당신의 선택은? 


2022.06.30 09:35:40

제가 신뢰하는 미국 매니아 주장은 베이스가 산화된다는 신화?  그야 말로 신화 라네요...



Base Oxidation: Pulp Fiction

Over the years, the wax industry has perpetuated the notion of "base oxidation," claiming that base material in skis and snowboards made out of Ultra High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (UHMWPE) can oxidize over extended periods of time if left unwaxed. In addition, many well-respected books on ski tuning repeat the mantra that frequent waxing is important to avoid "base oxidation." As it turns out, "base oxidation" is total fiction. The P-Tex material in your snowboard is inert, and can't oxidize. If you ride your snowboard for an extended period of time without waxing it, grayish streaks will form on the base, but that's a result of abrasion, not oxidation. Yes, it's important to wax your snowboard as often as you can to protect your snowboard from abrasion, but "base oxidation" has nothing to do with it.

This revelation was provided courtesy of Jim Honerlaw, a chemical engineer at Crown Plastics, a manufacturer of UHMWPE for skis and snowboard bases. He explained that oxidation of UHMWPE only occurs when it is exposed to very high temperatures (> 270º F). One such high-temperature scenario can occur when UHMWPE is machined into shapes used for artificial joints, which means extra care must be taken during the machining process.

To recap: UHMWPE oxidation may be a problem in your artificial knee, but not in your snowboard.


2022.07.04 07:46:50

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