사월에 이런 보딩 할줄이야 ㅠㅠ
막보딩 잼나게 하고 잇네요
레인보우 강설 빙판 설탕 혼합 
메가그린 전체적 강설 엣지 나름 박힘 호
사월에 이런 설질을 보여주는 용평
넌 멋쟁이!!!
엮인글 :


2012.04.07 11:07:09

아~~~. 이런 글도 내일까지만...


2012.04.07 11:36:07

이제 제발 고만하시요..-- . . --


더이상 보드를 즐기고 싶으면 휘슬러로 가시요


2012.04.07 13:09:38

만감이 교차하는... ㅎㅎㅎ


2012.04.07 13:26:50

오전타고 복귀중인데, 꽈당님 말씀 동감입니다.

4월대비 설질짱이네요  시즌마지막이라 더 즐거웠네요

렌차도도 맘껏쏴도 아무 문제없네요.

낼오전  달리세요.즐기기 충분하고도 남습니다

Supra Shoe

2012.05.08 10:49:15

why? Because these colors are most common in our daily lives.These color matches will never go wrong. And it can match your any color clothes. Whether you are going to attend the fashion week, or to attend fashion party, whether you are in the office, or in the gym, a section of Supra Shoe can help you cope with the need for any occasion. In addition we can also be seen has a lot of personality color in the Supra Society Footwear. For example, bright red, blue, green, these exaggerated color will be grouped together,too. Wear these colors combination Supra Skytop shoes, you are definitely a trendsetter. It is a pursuit of fashion personality era, especially more and more young people pursuit highlight their personality and talent in the vast crowd. Such a shoe that will let you become the dazzling star. The new shoes innovated by Supra Shoes group, make this brand respected by the fasion of people of the world .Supra Sneakers are your good choice.
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