[헝그리보더닷컴 이용안내]

업체도 지금 비비썬 글들을 보고 있을 겁니다.

그렇다면 지금부터 주문 넣는 사람들에게도 비비썬set을 넣어 보내기가 부담 스럽겠죠 ?

여러분 지금 입니다! 지금 추가주문을 넣으시면 아노락, 자켓, 팬츠, 데크, 바인딩이 올것입니다 !

전우의 시체를 넘고넘어 앞으로 전진 합시다 !!!


*본인은 특정업체와 아무런 스폰이 없음을 알려 드립니다.


2017.11.30 16:47:50

천잰데? ㅋㅋ


2017.11.30 16:49:15

저 만났을때 똑똑할꺼 같다는 느낌을 느끼시지 못하셨나요 ?


2017.11.30 16:51:00


마음이 넓고 발이 따뜻한건 느꼈습니다 ㅋㅋ


2017.11.30 16:47:58

아...진짜....하나 더살까?......


2017.11.30 16:49:27

그럴싸하쥬 ?


2017.11.30 16:48:53

일단 먼저 하나 지르시죠/???  ㅋㅋ


2017.11.30 16:49:56

때마침 통장 잔액이 없네요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ아꿉!


2017.11.30 16:49:04

가게는 이 사실을 파악하고 또 다시 비비썬을ㅎㅎ


2017.11.30 16:51:14

뛰는놈 위에 나는놈 있다 !!!?




2017.11.30 16:49:23

네프 하나쯤은 가지고 있어야 헝보죠...


2017.11.30 16:52:10

하나 있었는데.... 서핑하다보니 눈알 한짝이 뿅!~ 사라졌더더군요 ㅜ


2017.11.30 16:50:21

이제 택배봉투 크기만 봐도 대충 뭔지 알듯해요 ㅋㅋ


2017.11.30 16:53:15

그 느낌 그대로 하나 더 주문하시면....


2017.11.30 16:50:55

먼저 솔선 수범하시는 모습 기대하겠습니다 ㅎㅎ


2017.11.30 16:53:34

진짜 하나 사볼까 생각중 입니다......


2017.11.30 16:51:08

랜덤박스=네프박스 ㅋㅋ


2017.11.30 16:53:56

비비썬 비비썬 신나는 노래 ~


2017.11.30 16:51:50


2017.11.30 16:51:58

네프재고가 떨어지면 어쩔수없이 다른게오기 마련


2017.11.30 16:54:21

네프 다음엔 드래곤 아닐까요 ?


2017.11.30 16:52:08

인증글 기대하겠습니다ㅎㅎ


2017.11.30 16:54:44



2017.11.30 16:53:48

사실 저도 이 생각함


2017.11.30 16:54:56

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ지릅시다 !


2017.11.30 16:54:04

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ전우의시체를넘고 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ 과연 비비썬사태는 해결될까요 ㅋㅋ


2017.11.30 16:55:12

복불복인데 받아 들여야죠 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ


2017.11.30 16:55:57

그냥 이거인듯여.


Mad Engine Acquires Neff Headwear

SAN DIEGO, May 16, 2017 /PRNewswire

Mad Engine announced today that it has acquired Neff Headwear from Marlin Equity Partners and the Neff Family. Founded by Shaun Neff in 2002, Neff is an iconic, youth-focused headwear, accessory and apparel brand famous for beanies, hats, snow accessories, and whimsical, on-trend graphic t-shirts.

With this acquisition, Shaun Neff will be joining Mad Engine as its Chief Creative Officer. With the addition of Shaun to their leadership team, Mad Engine plans to continue on their aggressive growth path – maintaining their foothold as the industry leader in the licensing world, while also diversifying into the branded apparel and accessory space. Mad Engine CEO, Danish Gajiani, commented, “We’re excited to have this opportunity to acquire Neff, a brand we’ve long admired and feel has significant untapped potential. And, naturally, we’re thrilled to welcome Shaun to our Mad Engine team.” He continued, “Shaun is a uniquely talented guy with tons of great, actionable ideas, not only for the Neff business, but for Mad Engine as a whole.”

Mad Engine Neff Acquisition

Shaun Neff on the acquisition, “This is a great thing for Neff. Mad Engine has a phenomenal team, they’re strong financially, and they’ve got superior supply chain capabilities. Most importantly, they have a deep passion for our business.” He added, “And in this new role, I’m super motivated to bring fresh, out-of-the-box opportunities to the Mad Engine team.”

Neff will operate under Mad Engine’s growing branded division in Orange County, CA. The company launched this division with its acquisition of Lifted Research Group (LRG) in March 2017. The two companies have a number of synergies, and will serve as the foundation to bring on additional brands in the future.
Mad Engine would like to specially thank Moss Adams, Buchalter and Wells Fargo for their assistance with this acquisition and their continuous support.

Neff 가  MedEngine  이라는 회사에 팔려서.

팔리기전이이나 팔린후 악성 재고 현금화 할라고 떨이로 나온 물건을 잡아와서 일수도....

판단은.... 개개인이...


2017.11.30 17:13:21

이래서 도박이 무서운 겁니다
혹시나 혹시나


2017.11.30 17:15:45

인생은 매력은 도박에 있다. 아~아~ 누가말했더라~~~ 보들레르 !




2017.11.30 17:16:47

도박안되요 도박나빠요
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