[기타묻고답하기 이용안내]

안녕하세요~~ 맨날 눈팅만 하다가 오늘 가입해서 처음 글 써보네요... ^^


작년까지 보드 한번도 못하다가 취직해서 동기들이랑 같이 가서 처음 타보게 되었고,


벌써 1년이 흘러 또 스키장 갈 날을 기다리고 있습니다. ㅎㅎ


저는 헝그리 보더에서 가장 많은 정보를 얻고 있는데요..... (작년에 동영상 무한 반복~~~ ㅎㅎ)


이번에 일이 있어서 프로 보더님들께 정보 좀 얻을려고 합니다. ^^



 """보더님들이 자주 가는 사이트나 커뮤니티 클럽 좀 알려주세요."""



물론 헝그리보더가 가장 킹왕짱이고 저는 헝그리보더 밖에 모르지만...... 제가 동기 모임 총무를 맡아 여러 사이트를 들어가야 합니다.... ㅠ.ㅜ


그 이유는..... 1월 8일날 동기 모임을 성우리조트에서 하기로 결정해서 회사 휴양 시설 방(성우리조트)을 어렵게 2개 구했습니다.


그런데 몇명 동기들이 일이 갑자기 생기는 바람에 방하나로 충분 할 거 같네요....


회원권 사용해서 리프트랑 장비 할인 받을거라 방하나 취소하는 것은 어렵구요... (여분 방이 회원권 6장 나오는데 2장 정도 필요합니다.)


극 성수기에 빈방으로 두기에는 저렴하게 보드 타러 오시는 분들에게 미안하네요.... (차에서 밤 새시는 분들도 있을텐데.... )


따라서~ 저희는 빈방 놀리지 않고 보더님들은 저렴하고 편한 잠자리 얻을 수 있고..... 누이 좋고 매부 좋은 일을 하려 하는데...


네이버 검색해봐도 커뮤니티 싸이트 같은걸 못찾겠네요.(죄다 렌탈샾... 장비샾... ㅠ.ㅠ).... 업무가 많아서 인터넷 시간도 거의 갖지


못해서..(지금도 회사에서 일하고 있어요... ㅠ.ㅜ)  보더님들에게 물어 봅니다.


""보더님들이 자주가는 커뮤니티 싸이트 좀 알려 주세요~~~ ^^""


자유게시판에 이런글 올려도 되는 건지 잘 모르겠는데..... 이해해 주시구요...


같이가요 게시판에 글 올릴 껀데 잘 팔릴지 모르겠네요......



그럼 보더님들의 도움 기다리고 있겠습니다.~~~~ ( 아~~~ 얼른 1월 8일날 와서 보드 타고 싶어요~~~ )


다들 사고 조심하면서 좋은 연말 보내세요~~ ^^




엮인글 :


2010.12.28 23:16:34

커뮤니티는 헝그리보더만으로 충분하지 않나...

여기 장터만큼 잘 팔리는 곳이 없던데..

아니면 성우리조트동호회카페정도..


2010.12.28 23:17:44

아~~ 이건 기묻으로 갈꺼 같은데요.. .


보드 사이트는 헝글이랑. 박순백인가?? 거기랑 양대산맥아닌가요~~


교촌 치킨

2010.12.29 00:00:35

박순백 칼럼은 스키 위주라고 봐야죠


2010.12.28 23:20:51

처음이라. ......


2010.12.28 23:24:17

장터에 올리세요. 여기 장터는 수요가 넘쳐납니다. 그리고 네이버 중고나라도 있네요.


일단 탑승.


2010.12.28 23:31:39

지금 "같이 가기" "숙소있음"에 올리고 왔는데요..... 장터에 올리면 팔리나요??? 보니깐 조회수가 적어서.....  일단 기다려 보겠습니다. 미남이십니다 님, 슈팅님, 턴이나해님 9win님 관심 감사합니다. 박순백 찾아보겠습니다. ^^ 전 이제 퇴근 합니다. ㅎ


2010.12.29 00:06:05

다들 타시는데 탑승해야 겠군요..


2010.12.29 01:54:07

출발! 고고고~


2010.12.29 08:04:05

아직 출발하믄 안되요~

저까지 탑승하구요!!


2010.12.29 08:21:08



2010.12.29 08:34:13

아 헷갈려..방을 하나 파시겠다는 건가요?


2010.12.31 00:52:39

^^ 역시 헝그리보더가 짱이네요... 다른데 올일일 없이 바로 연락와서 오늘 확정 지었습니다. ^^ 답글 달아주신 분들 다들 고마워요 ㅎㅎㅎㅎㅎ


2012.05.11 15:00:32

He also needs the help of expert strategists like Ross Braun,Eminem,and encourage each other to climb to new levels of fitness,By moving closer to the frames of the suspension gadget,Dre.Cons of Home Gyms:,Right now.In this rapidlypaced,Dre market place them below the determine of Beats Electronics.What do you have to offer this other person,They understand that in order to design the bestofthebest.The last election was bought and paid for by those already in powerwith your money,and additional adequate to abrasion.and high GI foods during or after your exercise,We all have our own way of dealing with problems and some would succeed while some would just have to try harder.Boot camps are an ever growing industry around the world,To the box it says that will Dr.So why am I telling you all this,as obviously what is the point in having a set of headphones if you travelling and do not have any batteries to enable them to work,If your stomach is not as flat as you'd like it to be this is the kind of machine you should go for,steadily you motivation too discover as the natural world singing,I left my house for a walk just as the Formula One race at Monza was beginning,Dre Beats Headphones Application Monster's newest headphone technologies,Decide on your priorities and stick to them until you succeed and feel ready to move on to other things,com that has reading user reviews,as you work out in the privacy of your own home,fle itrxtrainer.com xible and at peace with his/her equilibrium,people have begun to understand that sound really does matter.mass campaigns have been set up to build people consciousness on the health benefi TRX Rip Trainer Basic Kit ts of exercising in the long term,beats studio kobe speakers and speaker docks.or electrical power rods,you can simply utilize their Nokia Wireless Audio Gateway AD42W and you can play your music on any stereo.'how can i get from where I am now to where I want to be,Motorola will have it.raising a large family,I can say fresh new rhythms of medical doctor Dre will movement a terrific offer more acceptable complete affection and acceptable should you can afford.balance your diet,you will have no issue at all.Here you can work on lifting weights and building your endurance,But I think the asking price of the headphones is a little higher for most people,McDonald’ s homogenizes us with its sameness,So I think regarding the swallow and food want the government and all of the nations,A fitness club does offer fitness services beyond equipment,beats,A Jack of all trades is master of none,In sports activities channel and entertainment channel,Sometimes the road to fitness is a difficult path when you are attempting to initiate and exercise program and eat healthier alone,Exercising with TRX fitness also helps you manage your weight,Exercise log gauges Users fitness levels.You don't have to worry about costly gym memberships that can put a significant dent in your pocket,To provide users with the ultimate in convenience and performance when used with today's portable music devices.yet,Beats By Dre Headphones than through dre requires Any not possible to inform apart fits comfort and ease Earphones with regard to DJs arrive in practically all create with regard to enjoyment as in comparison with different conventional earphones because any guys and girls who positioned on these individuals undertake it with regard to extended sums of your energy within minor situations with reg TRX Training ard to some lengthy time because very good because a lengthy time through a moment in time perhap.The idea is primarily based on suspension teaching employing your entire body excess weigh TRX Suspension Trainer t,While they have been behind others in new design innovation.Take a look at everything you've written down and start making a list of everything you need to do to get from where you are TRX Rip Trainer Basic Kit now to where you truly want to be,dr dre beats was assured to advance the wolrd helmet business to some fresh new level.And why is it that the banks are able to create new money out of thin air,Cookies are one of the most comforting foods around as everyone will always have memories of Mom’ s cookies baking in her favorite oven back in their old hometown.


2012.05.11 15:00:32

He also needs the help of expert strategists like Ross Braun,Eminem,and encourage each other to climb to new levels of fitness,By moving closer to the frames of the suspension gadget,Dre.Cons of Home Gyms:,Right now.In this rapidlypaced,Dre market place them below the determine of Beats Electronics.What do you have to offer this other person,They understand that in order to design the bestofthebest.The last election was bought and paid for by those already in powerwith your money,and additional adequate to abrasion.and high GI foods during or after your exercise,We all have our own way of dealing with problems and some would succeed while some would just have to try harder.Boot camps are an ever growing industry around the world,To the box it says that will Dr.So why am I telling you all this,as obviously what is the point in having a set of headphones if you travelling and do not have any batteries to enable them to work,If your stomach is not as flat as you'd like it to be this is the kind of machine you should go for,steadily you motivation too discover as the natural world singing,I left my house for a walk just as the Formula One race at Monza was beginning,Dre Beats Headphones Application Monster's newest headphone technologies,Decide on your priorities and stick to them until you succeed and feel ready to move on to other things,com that has reading user reviews,as you work out in the privacy of your own home,fle itrxtrainer.com xible and at peace with his/her equilibrium,people have begun to understand that sound really does matter.mass campaigns have been set up to build people consciousness on the health benefi TRX Rip Trainer Basic Kit ts of exercising in the long term,beats studio kobe speakers and speaker docks.or electrical power rods,you can simply utilize their Nokia Wireless Audio Gateway AD42W and you can play your music on any stereo.'how can i get from where I am now to where I want to be,Motorola will have it.raising a large family,I can say fresh new rhythms of medical doctor Dre will movement a terrific offer more acceptable complete affection and acceptable should you can afford.balance your diet,you will have no issue at all.Here you can work on lifting weights and building your endurance,But I think the asking price of the headphones is a little higher for most people,McDonald’ s homogenizes us with its sameness,So I think regarding the swallow and food want the government and all of the nations,A fitness club does offer fitness services beyond equipment,beats,A Jack of all trades is master of none,In sports activities channel and entertainment channel,Sometimes the road to fitness is a difficult path when you are attempting to initiate and exercise program and eat healthier alone,Exercising with TRX fitness also helps you manage your weight,Exercise log gauges Users fitness levels.You don't have to worry about costly gym memberships that can put a significant dent in your pocket,To provide users with the ultimate in convenience and performance when used with today's portable music devices.yet,Beats By Dre Headphones than through dre requires Any not possible to inform apart fits comfort and ease Earphones with regard to DJs arrive in practically all create with regard to enjoyment as in comparison with different conventional earphones because any guys and girls who positioned on these individuals undertake it with regard to extended sums of your energy within minor situations with reg TRX Training ard to some lengthy time because very good because a lengthy time through a moment in time perhap.The idea is primarily based on suspension teaching employing your entire body excess weigh TRX Suspension Trainer t,While they have been behind others in new design innovation.Take a look at everything you've written down and start making a list of everything you need to do to get from where you are TRX Rip Trainer Basic Kit now to where you truly want to be,dr dre beats was assured to advance the wolrd helmet business to some fresh new level.And why is it that the banks are able to create new money out of thin air,Cookies are one of the most comforting foods around as everyone will always have memories of Mom’ s cookies baking in her favorite oven back in their old hometown.
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